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Collect your emails into a Google document with Export Emails to Google Docs

Many organizations often require you to collect emails about a work colleague or about something that happened while at work. It’s usually very frustrating and time consuming to find all those emails and collect them in an organized way. Our newest app, Export Emails to Google Docs, helps you do just that in the blink of an eye.

Take a look at how easy it is to use:

Get Export Emails to Google Docs

You don’t need to worry about spending too much time creating a file that your legal department says you need to prioritize. All you need to do is let this app know which emails you want exported to Google Docs, and it does all the heavy lifting for you.

Let’s go through the steps together below.

How to Export Emails to Google Docs?

Once you install the Chrome extension, you’ll want to navigate back to your Gmail inbox. After selecting the emails you want to export to Google Docs, find the button on top and click on “Save to” and select “Export Emails to Google Docs.”

*Note: If you prefer to select an entire Gmail label, simply click on your Gmail label, and then click on the 3 dots next to your Gmail Label’s name. As a result, you’ll see an option to select “Export to Google Docs.”

After selecting “Export to Google Docs,” you’ll be forwarded to your second step which is simply letting us know if you prefer to save your email selection in a new document or in an existing one.

Additionally, you’ll notice that you can set up a continuous export of your emails to Google Docs by clicking on the option “Enable continuous saving of email messages.” This is a great option to select if you always want emails from a specific person or a Gmail Label to be exported into your Google Doc email report, as new emails come in. Just click on “Start export” to begin running the job.

Email Attachments Stored in Google Drive

Are you wondering where your email attachments go? You needn’t fret. You’ll have a Google Drive link show in your  email for any attachments. When you click on your email’s PDF link, you’ll find your attachment safely saved in your own Google Drive.

Why Export Emails to Google Docs?

You can easily collaborate with other people through Google Docs’ collaboration features. You can comment on email entries, assign tasks, and much more.
For example, you can share your report with an attorney whereby you can add a comment on an email entry. Helping make your attorney’s job easier is the best way to save you money on your legal expenses.

Who Uses Export Email to Google Docs?

We’ve identified 4 groups of people that can really benefit from this app:

  1. Lawyers, paralegals or legal assistants
  2. Educators
  3. Human resources
  4. Anyone who needs their own records in a Google Doc (excellent for providing this to your lawyers)

Having an email report of all your organized emails in Google Docs gives you control of how to organize them, and  an organized report of your emails to Google Docs, with each email in a PDF format which makes this ideas as “untampered” evidence if that’s necessary to gather.

Get Export Emails to Google Docs
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