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Save Emails to Google Sheets, One at a Time.

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Are you tired of sifting through countless emails to find the information you need? Look no further than Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ. This powerful app simplifies the task of organizing your emails, allowing you to save an email selection, a Gmail label, or your entire inbox to Google Sheets with ease. But that’s not all – now, with just a simple right-click, you can effortlessly export any individual email to Google Sheets as an ad-hoc export. Say goodbye to manual searching and hello to an organized, streamlined workflow.

Gone are the days of manually searching through emails to retrieve important information. The data contained in your emails, such as details about your projects, invoices, events, etc is crucial for making informed business decisions. However, manually searching through emails to retrieve this information can be both time-consuming and confusing, and can potentially lead to missed deadlines and poor business decisions.

With Export Emails to Google Sheets, you can now easily create a report of all the important information contained in your emails. You can either create an entirely new Google Sheet or add it to a pre-existing one. This makes it easy to track your progress on projects, manage invoices, and keep track of anything, including job applicants! Additionally, by having all of your emails in a Google Sheet, you can easily sort, filter, analyze, and share the data. This allows you to gain new insights and make more informed decisions.

Ad Hoc Save Emails to Google Sheets

  1. Start off by installing the extension Export Emails to Google Sheets.
  2. Then, right click on any email you want saved to a Google Sheet > Save to a spreadsheet > New Spreadsheet.
  3. Your new Google Sheet will look like the one below with column fields like:
    • From, To
    • Subject
    • Date & Time Sent
    • Email in PDF link, Attachment link (which gets saved to your Google Drive), Body Snippet, Email text
    • Website information, Mobile phone, address
    • Any other information that would be specific to what you’re exporting like: a statement date, customer #, subtotal, etc.
  4. If you prefer to export your email to an already existing Google Sheet, simply click on “Select a spreadsheet…” and it will be saved to your pre-existing Google Sheet.

In conclusion, Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ is the perfect solution for anyone looking to organize their emails in a more efficient and effective way. It saves you time, reduces confusion, and helps you make better business decisions. Try it out today and see for yourself the benefits it can bring to your work.

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