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How to Get to Inbox Zero in Gmail

What Happens to Our Brains When Working in a Cluttered Environment

Studies have shown that a cluttered environment can lead to feelings of stress and disorganization, which can negatively impact our ability to focus and complete tasks. When our eyes are constantly bombarded with visual distractions, it can make it more difficult to find what we need, resulting in wasted time and increased likelihood of making mistakes.

Gmail’s interface can be a source of distraction with its ads, promotions, and social updates that can break your focus while working on emails.

To address this, we developed a simple and distraction-free view for Gmail that allows you to focus on your emails, prioritize them, and manage them without interruptions.

Gmail Inbox Zero removes distractions like:

With just a few clicks, you can remove distractions and quickly clean up your inbox to achieve the coveted goal of “inbox zero.”

How to Get Inbox Zero in Gmail

  1. Click on “Install Gmail Inbox Zero”
  2. Install the extension.
    • Nice to know: The extension is free and cloudHQ never resells your data. You can view our privacy and security policies here.
  3. Go to the cloudHQ logo on the top right hand side of your Gmail inbox and click on it.
  4. Then make sure the “Inbox Zero” is toggled ON
  5. Go through your inbox using the view for Gmail Inbox Zero. You’ll notice that there are no distractions and you can focus on tackling your inbox more easily without ads, promotions or social updates.
  6. When you’re done, click on “Close” on the top of your Gmail inbox to return back to your normal Gmail view.
  7. You’ll notice that your email is now at inbox zero!

Benefits of Decluttering Your Screen

cloudHQ’s Gmail Inbox Zero is a Gmail extension that aims to increase productivity by simplifying the layout of your inbox. It does this by removing some of the visual clutter that can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. The extension removes the right-hand sidebar, which can contain ads, social media links and other distractions, and also hides the menu bar at the top of the screen. This makes it easier to focus on the content of the email, which can help you to process your messages more quickly and efficiently. It also allows you to organize your emails into groups or labels, so you can easily find the emails you need and keep them separate from the rest of your inbox. This helps you to stay organized and on top of your work.

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