Like most successful people, top performing lawyers are clear communicators. They know that communication isn’t just about what you say, but how you say it. Knowing how to be empathetic and picking up on nonverbal cues is an essential part of the job.
But as more and more of our lives are lived out digitally, these nonverbal cues get stripped away, and the potential for ambiguity and misunderstanding increases exponentially. It falls to you to figure out how to effectively communicate in email. Being a master communicator in email is therefore, a fundamental necessity.
But don’t worry, cloudHQ has got you covered with 7 top email tools that many successful lawyers are already using:

Let’s take a closer look:
1. Free Email Tracker
Free email tracker for Gmail provides you with the analytics you need to make sure your emails are effective (or just getting seen). Find out whether recipients are opening your emails and clicking through your links, all from a convenient dashboard right in your inbox.
Try it now.
2. Auto BCC for Gmail
Do you have an assistant that you need to copy certain emails on? It can be so time consuming having to forward them or always blind copying him/her. Instead, whenever you send or receive an email from a certain email address, or an email that has a specific keyword, your email will automatically be auto-BCC’ed to whoever you want.
Try it here.
3. Gmail SMS Alerts
Have an important case where you need to get updated when your client or someone from the court emails you back? No worries- Gmail SMS text Alerts is a nifty tool that will automatically text you as soon as that urgent email comes in.
Try it here.
4. Save Emails to PDF
Whether you need to print out emails to give your client a thorough explanation of all communications you’ve had on their behalf, or whether you need certain emails printed to present as evidence, Save Emails to PDF is by far the easiest way to do it. Click on your emails you want to include, and save them to a PDF with one click. It’s so simple, and so easy.
Try it here.
5. Gmail Auto Follow Up
This one is essential for legal professionals. Clients can be forgetful. You have a million things to keep track of, and you need those documents today. With Auto Follow Up for Gmail, you don’t need to waste time remembering to follow up with your clients. Write all your follow ups at once, and they’ll be sent out automatically until your client finally responds.
Try it here.
6. Gmail Label Sharing
Gmail Label Sharing is indispensable because it lets you share entire Gmail labels with your team. If you want to share a specific case with them, no more forwarding a ton of emails back and forth. Keep it clean and organized in a Gmail Label folder, and control who gets access.
Try it here.
7. Save Emails to Google Drive
Save Emails to Google Drive is the easiest tool to help you save your emails (attachments included) to Google Drive with just a few simple clicks. The free plan includes 100 emails/month, and our Premium Plan allows unlimited email saves and backup.
Click here to try it out.
Don’t Knock the Power of Email
Email marketing for lawyers is the cheapest and most powerful digital marketing tool at your disposal. You’ve already got great content, so we’re here to make sure that it looks great and that it gets in front of your audience’s eyes. If you like what you saw, be sure to check out our full list of chrome extensions.