Noone, and I mean noone, enjoys back and forth emails trying to figure out a time to schedule a meeting with you.
Make it easy for everyone and use our Free Meeting Scheduler for Gmail, now with 2 new features to make your life easier:
How to Send an Online Calendar Meeting Request
Sending an online calendar meeting request is simple.
Just install the Chrome extension here, and configure your availability by clicking on the small calendar icon that should appear on the bottom of your email when you’re in your “compose” window.
When you click on that little calendar icon, you can configure the settings that work best for your availability.
Once you’ve configured your availability settings, just click on the bottom right hand blue box that says “Insert Link with my Availability”, and simply email whoever you want a meeting with. It’s really that simple and saves everyone a ton of time.
Now that we’ve covered the basic functionality of Gmail Meeting Scheduler, here’s those 2 new features that we think you’re going to love:
1. Get an SMS Text When Someone Books You With Meeting Scheduler
Sometimes, people book me for a video meeting with 30 minutes’ notice. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but when I work from home and haven’t showered, I really want to know I’ve got a meeting coming up as soon as it’s booked so that I can prepare for it. That’s why each time someone books me, I’ll now get a text message letting me know as soon as they do.
Just click on your “Manage Settings” link in the top right hand corner of your “Meeting Settings” page.
From there, you’ll see an area to enter your phone number, and a check box above it confirming that you want text messages sent to you each time someone books a calendar meeting with you. This way, you’re never caught off guard, and will always be ready for your meetings!
2. View a List of All Your Scheduled Meetings
It’s important to see a list of everyone that you have meetings scheduled with to keep on top of who’s been invited for a meeting with you.
There’s a really easy way to view that with just 2 clicks. After you’ve clicked on “Manage Settings”, and below the “Notifications” area, you’ll notice yet another area with all of your invites under “Invites”.
These are a list of all the people who are possibly going to have a calendar meeting with you; after all, you’ve invited them.
But what if you only want to see who’s accepted your meeting scheduler invite? Not only will it be booked in your Google Calendar, but you’ll also be able to click on the “accepted” box, and make sure that the “visited” box is unchecked.
It’s also possible to see who’s visited your calendar availability, but hasn’t yet booked a meeting with you. These are probably the most critical people to connect with because something’s holding them back from booking with you.
All you have to do is make sure that you uncheck “accepted” and only check “visited”.
What’s more, is that you can even export your calendar meeting list into a CSV file; great for looking at it in an Excel or Google Sheet spreadsheet.
Maintain a positive impression with anyone you want to meet with, and give us a try today!