![cloud myths](https://blog.cloudhq.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tumblr_inline_ml3qpwXSJc1qz4rgp.jpg)
Many aspects of cloud computing are still new to many users, and this can create worry and concern. Especially when these users read online about the many dangers of cloud computing. This has caused many misconceptions and myths to pop up on various websites and internet forums and has actually deterred some individuals and companies from migrating to the cloud.
There are many misconceptions about cloud computing out there, but we have compiled a list of the top 10 myths about cloud computing that are spreading around the internet.
Top 10 Myths of Cloud Computing
- The cloud is more expensive: Once you figure out the costs of buying new hardware, as well as upgrading and maintaining it, plus the additional costs of local storage drives and servers; then compare these costs to the monthly or yearly fees that a cloud storage provider will charge, you will see that it is cheaper to use cloud storage. All upgrades and maintenance on servers and other hardware will be the cloud provider’s responsibility.
- Cloud systems are unstable: Your system will run as well or better in the cloud, as the cloud provider will have top-of-the-line hardware.
- Data is not secure: Data is more secure in the cloud than stored in on-premise storage solutions. On-premise storage is vulnerable to data loss due to disgruntled employee revenge, fire, flood, lightning, hardware malfunction and corruption, etc. Most cloud providers use encryption and extra authentication methods to protect your data.
- My company isn’t big enough to use the cloud: The cloud is more efficient for businesses of all sizes, whether it’s a small business or large. As long as security precautions are taken to protect data, it doesn’t matter if you have 1 employee or 1,000 employees. The cloud is beneficial to all.
- My company is too big to use the cloud: Again, companies and enterprises of all sizes use the cloud. Larger companies may be able to make better use of the cloud because of larger budgets and a full IT department that may be able to more aptly manage the cloud demands.
- The cloud experiences more downtime: There is no good time for downtime and the myth that the cloud creates more downtime has been floated around for awhile now. While some downtime is inevitable, the cloud actually increases uptime.
- The cloud is just the internet: Well, this is true and yet, not true. Essentially, the cloud sets up a network, much as your home LAN, but expands it world-wide across the web.
- The cloud is just virtualization: This is false as well, although virtualization can be used successfully in conjunction with cloud computing.
- My data will be trapped by vendor lock-in: Your data is your data, no matter what. While there are a few cloud storage providers that may attempt to lock-in your data so that you can only use their service, cloudHQ’s backup and replication service provides a secondary copy of your data so that you always have complete control over your data.
- My data is not completely mine: To the contrary, every legitimate cloud storage provider has special clauses in their Terms of Service which specify that the user retains complete ownership of their data.
There are many other misconceptions about the cloud floating around out there. It’s best to do research and determine for yourself if any concerns you have about the cloud are real. The cloud does not take away rights to your data or lower your security. It’s not bad for small businesses just because they don’t have the bigger budget or aren’t able to afford enterprise hardware and security solutions.
The cloud is beneficial to all users- individuals, small business owners, Company officials and employees that utilize BYOD, enterprises, etc. No matter what your company needs are, the cloud offers it with more security and less expense. Time management and project management are just a couple of other benefits the cloud offers, yet you may hear misconceptions from other media sources stating otherwise. Misinformation causes unnecessary worry and concern over fears that are not real. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, usually a simple Google search will dispel these rumors, misconceptions and myths.