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Feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks on your to-do list? Maybe you feel like you simply don’t have enough time in the day to get it all done. Most likely, you can invest some time in setting up automated tools to help make your work life easier.
69% of workers believe that automating repetitive tasks will save time, while another 66% believe automation will reduce the likelihood of human errors. The average worker spends 3 hours a day on tasks that could be automated, and out of an 8-hour workday, that’s almost half the day gone! Embracing productivity tools and add-ons help you automate manual, repetitive tasks that save you tons of time and make you more efficient.
Automate Exporting Emails to Sheets
cloudHQ’s Export Emails to Sheets is one of the best project management tools to organize your tasks. Here are just a few simple tasks Export Emails to Sheets can help you automate and streamline.
First step is to create a Gmail label if you want to export a Gmail label’s emails and attachments to Google Sheets. You can skip this step if you want all your emails in Google Sheets.

Step 2 is to save your emails to a spreadsheet using the “Save all Emails to Google Sheets” wizard described below.

Step 3 is to sort through your Google Sheet and you’re done.

Last and final step is to simply know that as long as you keep this service running, your Google Sheet will automatically update for you as your emails roll in.

Let’s go through each wizard below for your specific needs. The first 2 wizards are master wizards that can do any of the 10 one-click wizards below can do. One-click wizards are designed to let you get the information that you need with one click.
Master Wizard:
1. Save all Emails to Google Sheets
First, visit Export Emails to Sheets so that it can export your emails into Google Sheets. It creates a continuous backup of all the emails within a Gmail account like, or a Gmail label. This gives you a collaborative, editable copy of your emails. This makes it easy to share with team members, export emails as a single PDF, and collaborate on the important data hidden deep in your inbox. It’s especially helpful in any E-discovery for legal proceedings, a board of directors, or to sort through collaboratively in a team-based customer service situation.

2. Parse Emails with Emails to Sheets
Export Emails to Sheets is a sophisticated email parser. You can extract any information from the body or attachments of any email and send it directly into a Google Sheet. However, to do this successfully and at scale, you need to create rules. With your established rules, cloudHQ’s artificial intelligence will identify all similar information in your emails and export them into a Google Sheet for you.

Now that we covered what the master wizards can do, let’s look at the one-click wizards below.
One Click Wizards:
These one-click wizards are designed to take any guesswork out of the 2nd master wizard above. With one click, you’re done. If you need anything more specific that isn’t already available in these 10 wizards below, you have the keys to the castle. In the meantime, let’s cover all 10 wizards for any situation where you might want your email data into a Google Sheet report.
1. Collect Invoices
As a small business owner who wears many different hats, invoicing and accounting might be one of your most time-consuming tasks. Use Export Emails to Sheets as a smart email parser for collecting invoices from customers, contractors, suppliers, partners, or vendors. With one click, you can organize any invoice you either sent or received. You can also run this free tool on an ongoing basis, so it creates a real-time sync of your Google Sheet of invoices. You can quickly extract important info like invoice date, balance due, or invoice number. It works seamlessly with your go-to accounting tools like QuickBooks, Stripe, PayPal, Wise, and more.

2. Real Estate Notifications
Are you a realtor with a Gmail inbox full of Zillow,, Trulia, and other MLS notifications? It can feel challenging to stay on top of all these notifications, but with Emails to Sheets, you can collect and organize all your emails from various home listing sites. It’ll quickly parse out critical information for listing like price, date posted, platform name, and more, helping you save time and help your clients find a new home faster.

3. Ride Share Receipts
Tired of digging through your email to find individual receipts for an expense report? Quickly parse out receipts from Uber, Lyft, or other platforms to keep track of your spending and deliver these expenditures to accounting.

4. Job Applicant Tracking
The average job posting receives 250 applications, so sifting through all these potential candidates is no joke. Use Emails to Sheets to drastically reduce your manual workload, get back to qualified candidates faster, and ultimately, speed up hiring cycles. You can parse applicant tracking system data from different hiring platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or ZipRecruiter to determine which was the most successful, and you can also extract emails with resumes that contain important keywords like “product marketing” or “Salesforce” when you’re looking for specific skills or qualifications.

5. Shipping and Delivery Insights
If you’re like other businesses, the shipping and delivering of products take up a lot of your headspace – and communication! When you’re wondering if a shipment arrived or simply trying to find a recent delivery date, it’s much easier to do if this important data is parsed out into Google Sheets. Then, you can create unique views and filter to see different segments of data.

6. Order Status and Customer Feedback
Especially when you’re on the go, it’s difficult to scroll through your email to find sales confirmations. This is the perfect solution for Shopify or Amazon store merchants, Airbnb rentals, or any other digital project. With this one-click wizard, you can quickly extract this data, stay on top of confirmations, and also reflect quickly on customer feedback.

7. Email List Builder
Want to build an email list in a matter of seconds? Export every person you’ve ever communicated with inside Gmail to a Google Sheet and voilà! You have an email list. This helps you create an email list to send marketing messages to, monitor communication with customers or third-party vendors, or simply maintain an updated contact list.

8. Find Bounced Emails
You want to ensure your email reputation stays squeaky clean, but that’s tough if you’re constantly bouncing tons of emails. Emails to Sheets helps you find bounced emails, quickly delete or edit them, and then return to your normal email communication.

9. Google Alerts (free of charge)
Google Alerts sends you email notifications for specific keywords you’ve asked to be alerted about, but sometimes, these can get buried. Often, you set up Google Alerts about important things like competitors, industry updates, or key news stories, and it’s important you receive these alerts ASAP. Exporting them to Google Sheets helps you share with team members, sort by different filters, and allow others to read the most up-to-date information as well.

10. Track Email Marketing Analytics from MailKing
|With Emails to Sheets, you can export email data from MailKing into Google Sheets. You can automate follow-ups and track the success of email campaigns. This will quickly parse email addresses, opens, how many times the recipient opened it, links clicks, and much more. MailKing is an excellent email marketing software to help with even more automation, productivity hacks, and more.

Download cloudHQ’s Email to Sheets
cloudHQ’s Emails to Sheets is a true wizard when it comes to email parsing and organizing your repetitive tasks in Google Sheets. Whether you want to closely monitor Google Alerts, organize shipping information, or build an email list from scratch, Emails to Sheets helps you organize tasks, streamline your day-to-day, and work smarter – not harder.