Maybe you’ve heard… text messages get read fast.
There are plenty of text message marketing services for small businesses. They can be pricy—with fees from $50 to $300 per month (or more).
They can also be a pain—one of those things you sign up for, pay the fee for months, but never really use.
SMS Text Messaging for 95% Less
There’s a simple way to send SMS text messages to customers and prospects.
You just need a Gmail address (or an email hosted by G Suite) and a simple Chrome extension: Send Your Email to SMS Text.
It’s easy to use. It requires no special training. It’s free to install and try.
The first 10 text messages are free, then just $1.90 for 1,000 more per month.
That’s more than 95% less than a typical text messaging service. And you can do it all from within your Gmail account.
How to Send Text Messages to Customers
Here’s how to get amazing response rates using Send Your Email to SMS Text:
Step 1: Create an Email Message
First, create a message you want to send to your customers. Do this in Gmail as you normally would with an email draft.
Step 2: Send the Email to Yourself
When you’ve created the email, send it to yourself:

Step 3: Forward the Email to a Prospect’s Phone
Open the email, then click the phone icon in the upper toolbar:

Enter a phone number and your note, then click send:

Step 4: The Customer Receives the Text—and Responds!
The recipient’s phone will buzz with a text message that includes your note and a link to the message you created in step one:

Perfect for Consultants, Sales Reps, and Small Business
Most text messaging services are built for huge distribution lists.
They’re not built for consultants, sales reps, repair shops, insurance agents, accountants, or many other small businesses.
If you want the benefit of text messaging without the expense (or the steep learning curve) Send Your Email to SMS Text is an ideal choice.