Did you know… ?
Reports show 90% of text messages are read within the first three minutes.
In other words, when you need to reach someone now, send a text, not an email.
New: Send Your Email as an SMS Text Message
We’re proud to announce a new Chrome extension called Send Your Email to SMS Text.
Using the extension, you can send emails from Gmail as SMS text messages to any mobile number. You can forward an important email to your boss, employee, or even yourself!
The extension is free and available to anyone with Gmail or a G Suite email address.
Here’s an example to illustrate how it works:
Jen (the Recruiter) Acts Fast
Jen is a recruiter. She just connected with Joe—a fantastic job candidate for her company.
Jen needs to act fast. Joe is hours away from a possible job offer from another company.
Jen forwards Joe’s email to Samantha, another recruiter in the company with an opening perfect for Joe.
Except, Jen doesn’t send an email (which Samantha might not see for a few hours). Instead, she sends a text:
1. Open the email to forward
Jen starts by opening the email she wants to send Samantha by SMS text:

2. Click the phone icon
With the email open, she clicks the phone icon at the top:

3. Enter the phone number and a message
She inputs the phone number and her text message into the popup box:

4. The recipient will receive an
SMS text message with a direct link to the email
Samantha receives a text message with Jen’s note and a direct link to Joe’s email:

Joe’s email includes a link to his attached resume:

5. Get a response in minutes!
If Samantha (or your recipient) is like most people, she’ll respond within minutes!
SMS Text Messages Get Results FAST
SMS text messages create more urgency than email (or anything else).
If something’s important, don’t text “check your email,” just send your email to that person’s mobile number.
It’s the fastest way to get results.