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We love Gmail. We don’t love formatting emails in Gmail. For some reason, Google hasn’t made it easy to create good-looking, nicely-formatted emails using Gmail. So… we built a free Chrome extension to fix
Why Law Offices Adopt Gmail Label Sharing
Information flows quickly in a law office. A new case comes in. It’s assigned to a senior partner, who enlists the office’s interns to begin research. The administrative staff gets involved. Other partners get involved. . . .
10 Ways to Be 10x More Productive with Gmail
Modern productivity starts with email. According to a Mckinsey study, knowledge workers spend 28% of their day on email. That’s 11 hours a week in your inbox. Fully 14 weeks of the year (assuming a . . .
Gmail and Slack: Communication Overload?
Communication Overload? Just HQ it. Despite what you may have heard, Slack is not going to replace email. Instead, for many of you, adopting Slack has led to a new problem: tracking conversations about one . . .
The Beyond Simple Way to Save Emails to PDF
Ever download emails to PDF? If so, we have a brand new Chrome extension we think you’ll love. It’s called Save emails to PDF. It’s free to use for anyone who uses Gmail. With one . . .
Coffee Shops Hate Dropbox
Slow WiFi is one of modern life’s great frustrations. That’s why many coffee shops hate Dropbox, Google Drive, Skype, and Netflix. They’re bandwidth hogs. To provide quality WiFi, coffee shops often take steps to prevent . . .
All-in-one Evernote and Rapportive Features Right out of Your Gmail
Ever get an email from someone you didn’t know or needed to prep for a big meeting? Did you Google the name to try and learn more? In this article, we’ll show you a way . . .
How to Automatically Back Up Your Gmail Labels
In case you haven’t heard, we’ve recently added a host of feature upgrades to our free Gmail Label Sharing collaboration tool, including the ability to have Slack-style chat conversations directly within Gmail. In this post, . . .
Gmail CRM Workflows for Teams
It’s not easy to stay organized. And if you have a team, it’s exponentially more difficult to manage everyone. That’s why we love using shared Gmail labels. For our small team, they let us keep . . .
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